• Tales From Topographic Oceans Lyrics The Revealing Science of God Dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources, Chased amid fusions of wonder, in moments hardly seen forgotten. Tales from Topographic Oceans is the sixth studio album by YES, released in 1973 on Atlantic Records. Presented as a double album with one track on each side, its concept is based on singer Jon Andersons interpretation of four Shastric scriptures from a footnote in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Tales from Topographic Oceans is the sixth studio album from the English progressive rock band Yes, released in December 1973 on Atlantic Records. It is thei Find great deals on eBay for yes tales from topographic oceans and yes tales from topographic oceans cd. Tales from Topographic Oceans ist ein Doppelalbum der britischen Yes. Es ist das siebte Album der Band und das sechste Studioalbum. Ein wesentliches Merkmal von Yes war zur Zeit der Entstehung dieses Albums ein permanenter Wechsel der Musiker. Michael Yellin goes long on Yes' most controversial LP: If prognerds were a rougher bunch, there would be a lot of busted noses over 'Tales From Topographic Oceans. My remix of Tales From Topographic Oceans will be the fifth in a series of expanded Yes classics, released in 3CDBluRay and 2CD2DVDA configurations. The album has been remixed in both stereo and 5. 1 surround sound from the original multitrack tapes, and approved by Yes. 2 CDs feature the new mix of the original album, an unedited extended version. DuckTales (2017) Season 1 Scrooge McDuck is reunited with Donald Duck after he and his three nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie move into McDuck Manor. Together they will again embark on amazing adventures. Tales From Topographic Oceans is the fifth in a series of remixed and expanded Yes classics. The album has been mixed for 5. 1 Surround Sound from the original studio masters by Steven Wilson and is fully approved by Yes. Yes: Tales From Topographic Oceans Bluray, News and Updates No related news posts for Yes: Tales From Topographic Oceans Bluray yet. Yes's 1973 monster, TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS is the most divisive album in the bands four decade history, and is hard to review. Though roundly trashed by critics, TALES managed to become a huge hit for Yes. The set will be released by RHINO on 29th June, and includes remixed versions of: The Yes Album (1971), Fragile (1971), Close To The Edge (1972), the double album Tales From Topographic Oceans (1973), and Relayer (1974), all cut by Chris Bellman at Bernie Grundman Mastering Studios from the high resolution 962 4 master files. Tales From Topographic Oceans [Expanded Remastered (US Releas Licensed to YouTube by WMG (on behalf of Rhino Elektra); ASCAP, CMRRA, Warner Chappell, UBEM, and 4 Music Rights Societies The Yes Album Fragile Close to the Edge Tales from Topographic Oceans Relayer Going for the One Tormato Drama. Yes sixth studio album Tales From Topographic Oceans will be reissued at the end of September with new Steven Wilson stereo and 5. 1 remixes created from the original multitrack tapes This is the fifth in the series of expanded Yes albums and it comes in 3CDBluray audio and 2CD2DVDA. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Tales from Topographic Oceans Yes on AllMusic 1974 Four decades after its release, this is still the Find a Yes Tales From Topographic Oceans first pressing or reissue. Stream YES Tales From Topographic Oceans 2016 sampler of new Steven Wilson Mixes by Yes (official) from desktop or your mobile device Yes: Tales from Topographic Oceans (Definitive Edition) jazz review by John Kelman, published on October 8, 2016. Find thousands reviews at All About Jazz. The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn), The Remembering (High the Memory) The Ancient (Giants Under the Sun), Ritual (Nous sommes du soleil) Tales from Topographic Oceans Lyrics: Dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources Chased amid fusions of wonder, in moments hardly seen forgotten Coloured in pastures of chance. Tales from Topographic Oceans, has been, is, and probably will always remain the most controversial album in Yess huge back catalog, but to the avid Yes fan, the album and the tour that ensued were perceived as nothing but triumphant. The fact is that that Tales is one of the most incredibly uncommercial albums that Yes had produced at the time not just in the format, although any double album comprising four sidelong tracks is a daunting prospect, but in terms of the music presented therein. Find great deals on eBay for yes tales. Tales from Topographic Oceans is the sixth studio album by YES, released in 1973 on Atlantic Records. Presented as a double album with one track on each side, its concept is based on singer Jon Andersons interpretation of four Shastric scriptures from a footnote in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans review: Almost blown up to a fault, Tales From Topographic Oceans is a flawed, but important piece in Yes' classic years. Steven Wilson remixes Yes classic album Fragile SW August 7, 2015 News Released on 30th October, Fragile is the fourth in a series of remixed expanded Yes (official) Classics. The problem with Yes is that you needed to listen (carefully) to get it. If you didnt have the time, you would never get it. Although I was the biggest fan of Fragile and Close to the Edge and the Yes Album, when Tales of Topographic Ocean and Relayer came out I didnt get it either. Tales from Topographic Oceans il sesto album del gruppo di rock progressivo britannico Yes, pubblicato dalla Atlantic Records nel dicembre 1973 Tales from Topographic Oceans was released in December 1973 to pretty universal condemnation by the music press. The 40 years since then have done nothing to soften those attitudes. I think it's fair to say that you need to be a committed Yes fan to fully appreciate it. Lyrics to 'Tales from Topographic Oceans' by Yes: Nous sommes du soleil There many more in comfort understanding Is the movement in the head Features Song Lyrics for Yes's Tales From Topographic Oceans album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Tale Of Tales The film serves as Garrone's Englishlanguage debut and will interweave three separate story strands bookended by brief bits in which Italians Alba Rohrwacher and Massimo Ceccherini will play a street circus family. In one tale Salma Hayek will play a jealous queen who forfeits her husband's life. In another, Vincent Cassel plays a king whose passion is stoked by two mysterious. Find great deals on eBay for yes tales from topographic oceans. Yes Tales From Topographic Oceans: Expanded Edition (wDVD) (CD)K () It has been known for a long time that Tales will be the next Yes remix project by Steven Wilson and some weeks ago I read somewhere that the mix has already been finished some time ago. If one can grab onto it, Tales is a long, sometimes glorious musical ride across landscapes strange and wonderful, thick with enticing musical textures. Yes fans to this day remain divided on the impact Tales had in the group's music and in progressive rock itself. Tales From Topographic Oceans See discussion on Talk: Tales From Topographic Oceans. ) has expanded article into a 'critical essay' with lots of personal opinions, etc. Needs third party viewinputsevere editing and cleanup, possibly user needs clarification re. Find a Yes Tales From Topographic Oceans first pressing or reissue. A year later, drummer Alan White made his YES debut on Tales From Topographic Oceans. And finally, keyboardist Patrick Moraz joined for Relayer in 1974. The Steven Wilson remixes are also currently available individually on BluRay and DVDA. L'album degli Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans pone un dilemma: Il disco bellissimo ma pesantissimo, ma un disco pesantissimo pu essere bellissimo. Roger Dean recalls the inspiration behind the cover art for Yes' Tales From Topographic Oceans As, en 1973 (hace 37 aos), Yes daba a luz un disco maravilloso: Tales from Topographic Oceans. No era usual, y no lo ha sido nunca, que una banda de rock, por ms progresiva que fuese, se animase a publicar una placa doble, compuesta tan slo por 4 temas. En 1973, Yes sort le trs controvers Tales from Topographic Oceans, constitu de quatre chansons d'environ 20 minutes chacune, inspir par le livre Autobiographie d'un Yogi de. Listen free to Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans (The Revealing Science Of God, The Remembering and more). Tales from Topographic Oceans is the sixth studio album from the English progressive rock band Yes, released in 1973 on Atlantic Records. Presented as a double album with one track on each side, its concept is based on singer Jon Anderson# x27; s interpretation of. Read and write album reviews for Tales from Topographic Oceans Yes on AllMusic From the influence of an Indian guru to the loss of Rick Wakeman, Prog takes an indepth look into the making of Yes opiniondividing sixth album, Tales From Topographic Oceans..