Swamp Thing stato protagonista di 4 serie regolari e diversi speciali fino ad oggi; particolare rilievo artistico ha avuto il ciclo scritto dal pluripremiato Alan Moore, che ha preso le redini della seconda serie dedicata al personaggio dal 1984 al 1987. Je me suis procur le premier tome de Swamp Thing d'Alan Moore, que j'avais dj lu en anglais. J'avais ressenti une distance, en plus d'une certaine fascination, pour cause de texte travaill qui m'empchait d'avoir une lecture fluide. But it's widely known that Alan Moore's run on the series made Swamp Thing more appealing. Moore using his trademark deconstruction gave Swamp Thing more depth and more of an edge. Alan Moores Run on Swamp Thing Saga of the Swamp Thing (Books# 12) Posted on January 12, 2010 by Darren Before Alan Moore was the superstar writer of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V For Vendetta, Watchmen or even From Hell, he was a writer at DC Comics. Find great deals on eBay for Swamp Thing Alan Moore in Collectible Swamp Thing Comics from. Alan Moore joined DC Comics during a crucial time for Saga of the Swamp Thing. Steve Bissette and John Totleben had recently joined with issue# 16, with Bissette penciling and Totleben inking, although Dan Day provided pencils for this issue to ease deadline problems. The occult shop displays a record single by the Sinister Ducks, a real band with which Alan Moore recorded the 1983 novelty number, March of the Sinister. All customers get FREE UK Delivery on orders over 20 dispatched by Amazon. Books Get your first look at Absolute Swamp Thing By Alan Moore Vol. 1 HC from Alan Moore and Shawn McManus, published by DC Comics Alan Moore's arrival on the book and plans for Swamp Thing caused an entire issue of DC Comics Presents to be shelved due to it contradicting his plans for revealing Swamp Thing was always a plant. The story is still mentioned in vague details. 1 has 20, 313 ratings and 788 reviews. Alejandro said: The Swamp Thing's epic run by Alan Moore begins here! This TPB Hardcover Edit Find great deals on eBay for Swamp Thing Alan Moore in Swamp Thing Comics from 1984 to Present Day. Titulo: Swamp Thing, Alan Moore Saga Ao: 1984 Idioma: Espaol Formato: Cbr. Alan Moore redefine el origen del personaje, convirtiendose esta en la etapa considerada la ms gloriosa en el personaje. Moore plantea hacer borrn y cuenta nueva y llevar al personaje a lo bsico: en este caso, a lo puramente vegetal. Alan Moore is interviewed about his ongoing series Swamp Thing. 369 likes 2 talking about this. For lovers of all things Swamp Thing through the eyes of Alan Moore. DC Comics will release Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore Vol. The first volume (of three planned) includes recolored and restored versions of Moores stories, beginning with his first Swamp Thing story, Loose Ends, from Swamp Thing# 20; a. DC Universe is getting ready to bring Swamp Thing to the small screen, and it looks like they will be drawing on a major comic for inspiration. During DC Universe's inaugural livestream, it was. As Swamp Thing picks up the withered body of his nemesis Anton Arcane (who had died in a helicopter crash at the end of Paskos final issue), and cradles the head of his old enemy, Moores. Alan Moore redefine el origen del personaje, convirtiendose esta en la etapa considerada la ms gloriosa en el personaje. Moore plantea hacer borrn y cuenta nueva y llevar al personaje a lo bsico: en este caso, a lo puramente vegetal. The Swamp Thing moons over his lost humanity and the tragic quality of his love with a zestfully (and sometimes too obviously) literary spirit. When Alan Moore took charge of DC Comics failing Swamp Thing in the early 80s, the writer revitalized several of the monster series moribund characters while flipping the bird to the. Saga of the Swamp Thing Book One shows that sometimes even the best comics are better than you think they are. Honestly, as great as Watchmen is and it is great Alan Moore could have rested on his laurels after his Saga of the Swamp Thing run and still have been considered the best writer of. Prima parte: si inizia con un resoconto dei travagliati trascorsi editoriali di Swamp Thing di Italia, cercando di districarsi fra il marasma di pubblicazioni fra cambi di editori e formati. In my continuing effort to cover many of the classic comic runs, this spring, after much reluctance, I went to my public library and took out the first few trades of Alan Moores Swamp Thing, published by DC comics in the early 1980s and marking the beginning of the British Invasion of comics. Alan Moore plugs Swamp Thing and Watchmen. Alan Moore plugs Swamp Thing and Watchmen. Skip navigation Alan Moore on Swamp Thing nobtong7. Swamp Thing ist eine Figur des USamerikanischen Verlags DC Comics, Trotz seines pflanzlichen Charakters geht Swamp Thing wiederholt Beziehungen mit Frauen ein, und in den Comics von Alan Moore wird sogar eine Art krperliche Vereinigung beschrieben, die durch den Verzehr von psychedelischen Frchten. Alan Moore's Swamp Thing is one of the best creative runs in the history of comics, surpassing all expectations and earning its place above and beyond these other classics. His Swamp Thing is a highlight of American comics, without a doubt, but the one thing that prevents it from being hailed as an equal to his more widely known works like Watchmen or V for Vendetta. Much of the city has been completely taken over by vines and plants. This is all the result of the Swamp Thing's vengeance FANDOM. Explore Wikis Dick GiordanoExecutive Editor, Steve BissetteCover Artist, Alan MooreWriter, and 32 more. John TotlebenPenciler Several Swamp Things surround him, and beats. Free download: Alan Moores Swamp [ Free Alan Moore Swamp Thing PDF: One more thing to allow you to distance yourself from your family. John Biggs 11 years Writer: Alan Moore. Publication date: January 1982 October 1996 Status: Completed Views: 182, 925 Swamp Thing follows John Constantine to South America to see The Parliament of Trees. Learning that he is not a unique being after all, Swamp Thing attempts to make sense of their wisdom, while a sleazy photographer hopes. Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horror comic book THE SWAMP THING. His deconstruction of the classic monster stretched the creative boundaries of the medium and became one of the most spectacular series in. Hablar de la primera etapa de Moore en Swamp Thing, con humildad, como fans. Entre 1985 y 1987 Moore gan el premio Kirby (el ms prestigioso del 9 arte por ese entonces) al mejor escritor, y Swamp Thing gan esos mismos tres aos, el premio Kirby a la mejor serie regular. Quedaban inditos los comics The Saga Of Swamp Thing n. En la Coleccin Vrtigo de Norma Editorial (equivalente espaol de Vertigo Cmics ) apareci recopilada de forma integral toda la etapa de Alan Moore, quedando indito el n. 20 de The saga of Swamp Thing, el primer nmero que ste guioniz. Discover and share Swamp Thing Alan Moore Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. The fictional character Swamp Thing has appeared in five American comic book series to date, including several specials, and has crossed over into other DC Comics titles. The series found immense popularity upon its 1970s debut and during the midlate 1980s under Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, and John Totleben. These eras were met with high critical praise and numerous awards. Before Alan Moore began his run on Swamp Thing in 1983, the character was nothing more than the star of a formulaic monster book that was perpetually overlooked by DC in favor of its superhero. Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 [Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horror comic book THE SWAMP THING. His deconstruction of the classic monster stretched the creative boundaries of the medium and became. Find great deals on eBay for swamp thing alan moore. Alan Moore (born November 18 1953) is a British writer, most famous for his influential work in comicbooks and graphic novels. See also: Swamp Thing ( ) Watch videoWhat is the best Alan Moore adaptation? Those Weren't the Good Ole Days: Comic Book Edition; Arcane, desperate for the formula attempts to capture the Swamp Thing. An explosive chase ensues that ultimately ends with a confrontation between Holland and a changed Arcane. Written by Mark Harding mah@imdb. For me, Alan Moore's final edition of Swamp Thing was a major disappointment. It felt like Moore was trying to take a book that worked so well as a horror series, and shoehorn it into a more contemporary comicbook format. Read Alan Moore Book Swamp Thing, Vol. Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horr Recensioni Doverosa riproposizione dello Swamp Thing di Alan Moore. Alcuni difetti nella cura editoriale lasciano insoddisfatti, ma non sminuiscono l'importanza della pubblicazione di un classico, che si conferma una lettura obbligata per gli appassionati dell'autore inglese e del fumetto supereroico e che da troppo tempo era indisponibile sul mercato italiano. Buy Saga Of The Swamp Thing TP Book 01 01 by Alan Moore, Dan Day, Stephen R. Bissette (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Andrew writes about comics for Sequart, where he is currently serialising a book on the issues of Swamp Thing. He blogs about comics and other aspects of popular culture here. He holds a BA Hons in English, History and Media Studies, an MA in English Literary Culture ( ), and postgraduate qualifications in teaching and librarianship. With Swamp Thing# 20, Alan Moore came onto the Animal Man and Swamp Thing meet and they both go and fight off Anton Arcane and his ROT Army in the portal at the swamp. Swamp Thing and Animal.