BlowUp (1966) by Michelangelo Antonioni. 535 likes 1 talking about this. A masterpiece of 1960s arthouse cinema, Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp Michelangelo Antonioni Carlo Ponti Film. with David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave and Sarah Miles National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Director[ pentru Blow Up David Luchino Visconti [ ( 1976 ) European Film Academy Lifetime Achievement Award [ ( 1993 ) A masterpiece of 1960s arthouse cinema, Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp is a dizzying exploration of images, appearances, and existence amid the mod glamour of Swinging '60s London. (IT) 'An Evening with Gary Lewis and the Playboys' TV Special (Recorded March 23, 1966, but Aired on October 1, 1966) Blow Up ist ein britischer Spielfilm von Michelangelo Antonioni aus dem Jahr 1966. Beim Filmfestival in Cannes wurde der Film mit dem Hauptpreis ausgezeichnet. Michelangelo Antonioni, Writer: Blowup. Michelangelo Antonioni was born in 1912 into a middleclass family and grew up in bourgeois surroundings of the Italian province. In Bologna he studied economics and commerce while he painted and also wrote criticism for a local newspaper. In 1939 he went to Rome and worked for the journal Cinema studying directorship at the School of Cinema. Qucrire au juste sur BlowUp qui ne lait dj t? Premire incursion de Michelangelo Antonioni hors dItalie pour filmer une jeunesse alternative dont il tait la fois suffisamment loign et suffisamment proche pour en dresser un portrait surprenant (Zabriskie Point reconduira le geste), le film savrera une uvre sminale de la modernit. Michelangelo Antonioni: Michelangelo Antonioni, Italian film director, cinematographer, and producer, noted for his avoidance of realistic narrative in favour of character study and a vaguely metaphorical series of incidents. Among his major films are Le amiche (1955. BlowUp es una pelcula talobritnica de 1966, conocida en Espaa e Hispanoamrica como Deseo de una maana de verano, dirigida por Michelangelo Antonioni y con David Hemmings en el papel principal. Producida por Carlo Ponti, que haba contratado a Antonioni para hacer tres pelculas para la MetroGoldwynMayer (las otras dos eran Zabriskie Point y El reportero), fue la primera. In 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni transplanted his existentialist ennui to the streets of swinging London for this international sensation, the Italian filmmakers first Englishlanguage feature. A countercultural masterpiece about the act of seeing and the art of image making, BlowUp takes the form of a psychological mystery, starring David Hemmings as a fashion photographer who unknowingly. BlowUp (1966) was thought by many to represent a significant break for writerdirector Michelangelo Antonioni, since it was his first film in English, his first film made outside of his native Italy, and it broke a string of four films featuring his favorite actress, Monica Vitti. But actually the film offers a continuation of Antonionis ongoing exploration of how our modern culture fails. Michelangelo Antonioni made BlowUp in 1966, but in our world of mass media and digital distribution, his observations on human perception and the relationship to reality seem as trenchant today as they were almost half a century ago. Film4 Summer Screen at Somerset House: Blow Up DJs Blow Up Monday August 14, 2017 We're pleased to announce that Blow Up club founder and DJ Paul Tunkin will be performing the DJ Set before the 50th Anniversary screening of Michelangelo Antonioni's 'BlowUp' at the Film4 Summer Screen Festival at Somerset House on Tuesday 22nd August 2017 BlowUp di Michelangelo Antonioni stato presentato in versione restaurata a Cannes Classics, a cinquant'anni dalla sua vittoria alla Croisette. Blowup Un film di Michelangelo Antonioni. Un BlowUp (1966) by Michelangelo Antonioni. A masterpiece of 1960s arthouse cinema, Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp is a dizzying Blowup retrace avant tout le parcours d'un jeune homme, Thomas, qui essaie de sortir du milieu de photographe de mode, qui lui permet de gagner sa vie, pour devenir photographe d'art. L'intrigue policire constitue un cho, une variation cette initiation. Elle est aussi et surtout une preuve pour le spectateur qui, a chaque vision du film, ressort aussi reint que Thomas en ayant. Blow Up est un film ralis par Michelangelo Antonioni avec Jane Birkin, Gillian Hills. Synopsis: Dans un parc de Londres, un jeune photographe surprend ce qu'il croit tre un couple d'amoureux. Blowup (1966) A drama of typical Antonioni mood and mystery, BlowUp was his first Englishlanguage motion picture. Inspired by Julio Cortzar's short story Las babas del diablo (The Droolings of the Devil), it is the tale of two days in the life of a successful fashion photographer who becomes involved in an arranged murder as the result of taking a casual picture of a couple. Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. With David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, John Castle. A mod London photographer finds something very suspicious in the shots he has taken of a mysterious beauty in a desolate park. BlowUp [10, tourn Londres en 1966, 1966: Michelangelo Antonioni storia di un autore (Antonioni: documents et tmoignages), documentaire pour la tlvision de Gianfranco Mingozzi; 1982: Chambre 666, documentaire pour la tlvision de Wim Wenders avec Antonioni. La sortie dun coffret DVDBluRay de Profession: reporter, lun des plus grands Antonioni, nous permet de rsumer une nouvelle fois la carrire du cinas Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp tells the story of a fashion photographer who witnesses a murder It was a real thrill, aged 16 and seeing BlowUp, with its depiction of sex, drugs and rock'n. On the hottest day of the year I decided to reassemble London. This was the London cutup and edited in the most William Burroughs of ways by Michelangelo Antonioni in his 1966 film Blowup, which first came out in cinemas half a century ago. Antonionis film defines a very particular period in British cinema and, in its presentation of London, creates a fictional realm detailing the modern. A masterpiece of 1960s arthouse cinema, Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp is a dizzying exploration of images, appearances, and existence amid the mod glamour of Swinging '60s London. My favourite film decade From BlowUp to Bonnie and Clyde why the 1960s is my favourite film decade. Enrica Fico on her late husband Michelangelo Antonioni: He was a man you could never. A couple of days after its 50th anniversary, Elena Lazic writes this essay on Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp. BlowUp sau Blowup este un film italobritanic regizat de Michelangelo Antonioni n 1966 Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni's first Englishlanguage production was also his only box office hit, widely considered one of the seminal films of the 1960s. Criterion's restored version of Blow Up is everything a fan could ask for, and there is no bigger fan than me. Mercifully, it seems to be complete and intact; my first wish fulfilled. Also, the color rendition and the clarity are top notch, there is little if anything to criticize, I. BlowUp (1966) is writerdirector Michelangelo Antonioni's view of the world of mod fashion, and an engaging, provocative murder mystery that examines the existential nature of reality interpreted through photography (also painting and pantomime). It was set in mid60s London, a locale fairly. BlowUp has 41 ratings and 9 reviews. An interview with Michelangelo Antonioni Pierre Billard Reality and cinma vrite Michelangelo Antonioni. antonioni photographer david hemmings london scene murder park dvd redgrave vanessa films reality art blowup scenes yardbirds photos fashion saw See more Top customer reviews Michelangelo Antonioni (Ferrara, 1912. ) Oscardjas olasz filmrendez s forgatknyvr. A tekintet, amely megvltoztatta a filmmvszetet mondjk rla, s valban az olasz s az egyetemes filmmvszet egyik legkiemelkedbb alkotja, JeanLuc Godard mellett a filmnyelv egyik legjelentkenyebb megjtja. BlowUp: BlowUp, BritishItalian thriller, released in 1966, that was the first fulllength Englishlanguage film of Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni. It is one of the seminal films of the 1960s mod era. BlowUp, which was inspired by a short story by Spanish writer Julio Cortzar, features David BlowUp est un film de Michelangelo Antonioni, sorti en 1966 et inspir d'une nouvelle Las babas del diablo (Les Fils de la Vierge) [1 de Julio Cortzar. Le film obtient la Palme d'or au Festival de Cannes 1967 Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp opened in America two months before I became a film critic, and colored my first years on the job with its lingering influence. Saturday, July 21 6 PM; Michelangelo Antonioni A comprehensive retrospective of the films of Michelangelo Antonioni ( ) is always an event. Many of his works are only represented by European distributors, hence mounting such a series requires considerable effort. BlowUp (pt: BlowUp Histria de um Fotgrafo br: BlowUp Depois Daquele Beijo) um filme talobritnico de 1966. Foi o primeiro filme em lngua inglesa do cineasta italiano Michelangelo Antonioni e conta a histria do envolvimento acidental de um fotgrafo com um crime de morte, baseado num pequeno conto de Julio Cortzar, Las Babas del Diablo, publicado em 1959, [1 e na vida. The Real Blow Up: Fashion, Fame and Photography in the 60sa look at the 60s London that inspired Michelangelo Antonionis film. David Hemmings recounts the story behind his casting, and Terence Stamp recalls how he lost the coveted role. Michelangelo Antonioni's BlowUp opened in America two months before I became a film critic, and colored my first years on the job with its lingering influence. It was the opening salvo of the emerging film generation, which quickly lined up outside Bonnie and Clyde, Weekend. BlowUp was the first of three films Michelangelo Antonioni made outside Italy under a contract with producer Carlo Ponti at MGM, and it was the most successful of his career, both commercially and critically. It won the Palme dOr at Cannes in 1967, and many critics saw it as a refreshing change.