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Teach Yourself Linux Virtualization and High Availability: prepare for the LPIC3 304 certification exam High availability server virtualization currently powers the vast majority of publicfacing compute deployments and Linux lies at the heart of nearly all of them. C Jesse Liberty Bradley Jones FIFTH EDITION Teach Yourself in21Days 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 00 fm. qxd 12: 52 PM Page i For most people, watching an instructor doing something or even reading an excellent guide is not the best way to learn a complex set of skills. Unless you dive in and work through realworld problems on your own, you'll never truly master the material. Teach yourself Linux Administration and prepare for the LPIC1 is designed to push you. Welcome to the fifth edition of Sams Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours! This book has been designed This book has been designed to be helpful as a guide as well as a tutorial for both beginning users and those with previous Get this from a library! [Robert Billing.